Easycatalog directory
Easycatalog directory

easycatalog directory

  • Added support for InDesign CC 2015 graphic cells in tables.
  • IMG tag now supports downloading images from a URL.
  • easycatalog directory

  • Dragging and dropping an image from the panel now supports snippets.
  • These fields can then be updated in the data source using the ‘Update Data Source’ option.
  • Added new right-click option ��" ‘Mark As Updated’ ��" that will flag all non-key fields as updated in the panel.
  • Holding down Shift + Alt whilst selecting ‘Update Data Source’ will now output a UTF-8 encoded file containing the data source content.
  • Table column resizing has been optimized to improve performance.
  • Prefix the regular expression with REGEX. Character style sheet names are injected into the textual content inside of.
  • Added the ability to search for Character Style sheets as part of the regular expression.
  • Prefix the name of the field with ‘SF:’ to specify this field should be used to search for the record in the panel.
  • Can now work when the key field(s) are not placed in the document.
  • Modification to ‘Auto Pickup’ keyboard shortcut:.
  • This script should be placed in the Scripts folder for the datasource, or a ‘Scripts’ folder can be created in the root level of the workspace folder
  • If present, ‘PreImageImport.jsx’ will be called before importing an image.
  • New picture import option ‘Frame Specified’, which will use the fitting and cropping options applied to the picture frame.
  • Added ‘BASE64DECODE’ custom field command to decode the given string.
  • Added ‘BASE64ENCODE’ custom field command to encode the given string.


    Added ‘PDFCROPTO’ to specify the PDF import crop settings.Added ‘PDFTRANSPARENTBACKGROUND’ to specify whether the new PDF imported will have a transparent background.Added ‘PDFSETIMPORTPAGE’ to specify the page number of the next PDF that is imported.They will be stripped from the path but will adjust the PDF image import settings: The following custom field commands can be specified in the image path within field options.Added ‘HTMLROWCOUNT’ and ‘HTMLCOLUMNCOUNT’ custom field commands that will return the number of rows/columns in the specified HTML table content.Added ‘RANDOM’ custom field that will return an integer between the minimum (first parameter) and maximum (last parameter) values.Modification to DOESIMAGEEXIST to return ‘false’ value when an empty field name is passed in.For example, if this command is applied to the ‘Stock Code’ Field Specifier, this function will return ‘1’ for the first instance of the ‘Stock Code’ in the text flow ‘2’ for the second, etc. This command can only be used in the Computed Field panel and returns the index number (starting from 1) of the field within the text flow. Added TAGINSTANCE custom field command.A list of available commands is shown in the pop-up on the Computed Field panel, which can be found on the Window menu. Note that not all custom field commands can be used in the panel (for example, the GROUP custom field commands). This should drastically reduce the number of custom fields that need to be configured in the panel which should in turn speed up the opening of data sources. Now, the custom field function can be applied to a Field Specifier in the document. For example, if an instance of a field should appear in lower case in the document, the user would previously need to configure a new custom field in the panel to perform the conversion. Added ‘Computed Field’ panel - This panel allows you to define a custom field function on the page rather than in the panel.An example of its use can be found in the videos on the following Knowledge Base article: Computed Fields and Complex Tables New field type: "Formatting Rule" - This new field type will import and populate a named Formatting Rule and use that instead of the contents of the field.

    easycatalog directory easycatalog directory

    Additional pricing info can be found here. Single-version upgrades begin at $324.75.


    Note: Version 11.x is a paid upgrade from previous versions.

    Easycatalog directory